My Window and the Trains in My Study

Most of you now I have mania which doesn’t let me sleep a lot at night. I always start my day, with grabbing Julia Bleu’s leash and heading to the 24 hour store to make my coffee drink. I typically come home, turn on my computer and get settled into my cozy study.

My study is not a large room, it houses a cranberry colored couch, and a multi-leveled way glass coffee table, and my large flat screen TV

which sits on another glass and metal stand that you can either put up against the wall or it accommodates a corner perfectly.  There are some organizers, with multiple drawers of multiple sizes, to house all my office and school supplies. My computer desk and chair, round out the room. My desk is up against a wall, where to my right is the only window in the room. Behind me there is a closet and I took the door off the room, to make it seem bigger.

I sit at my computer each morning, drinking my golden elixir after I have taken my first dose of Adderall.  It is quite lovely, to have the window and the view, right at my left side so I feel like I am very close to outdoors. Behind the trees behind the house are a set of railroad tracks. I live in a very desirable location, however some people might find the train tracks a huge distraction.  For me they represent the many daydreams, of where I might just go, if I hopped onto the train.

I love the din the train, and the whistle you start not to hear. My first few nights I was here, my gosh I didn’t think it was going to work. There are set train schedules, and I live on the Down-easter rail. It goes way up into Maine, stops by my house here in Dover, and makes its way to Boston, where you can catch another train. There are also the huge freight trains, they go on and on forever.

I often stop writing when a train is getting ready to pass by my window, and take me to a new place, I have never visited before. I do this a lot with the commuter trains, because there is one that pulls into Dover for almost 6:30 am, and I think where would I like to go today? For just 29 dollars, you can ride business premium all the way to Boston. I have done it before. Grabbed my coffee and laptop, and sat on the train, as we passed through the towns. I have thought on those trips,  should I get off in Boston as I planned, or what if I bought another ticket? To where I am never quite sure. I know I want to go somewhere I haven’t been before.

My window is filled with dreams of travel. I can’t get enough of the trains. Even the freight trains are interesting, the graffiti is so amazing. I wish I could stop a train, as I write. The early commuter train goes by, heading to Dover Station  It is located a couple of streets away, and has a brand new facility. I don’t even flinch when the train goes by, I often run to catch a glimpse. As I mentioned I would love to stop a large freight train, and photograph all the graffiti, It is incredible, what these artists do with the canvas of the side of the train. I have been trying to write down names, and search them on the internet. So far I have found NYC artists, well known and their work is pretty signature, so easily identifiable.

Trains as I watch them pass by my window each day, inspire me to get up and go. Pack a knapsack and for less than 200 dollars you can, I believe, end up making it across the country. What an idea for a three month hiatus! Buy a ticket to go across country, and get off in all these amazing towns, and try the local eateries, and learn about a new place, before getting on your next train. I can’t see or hear a train, without feeling the possibility of immediate travel. As you have your bag packed, and at 6:30 am when the next commuter train comes, getting on it and going for the day, the night, a week, or even a month, would I go forever?

As a writer, the trains, give me lots of great inspiration. Just by their very nature, also the romance of train travel, coupled with the idea of dreaming about somewhere you’re not, but having a means to get you there really comfortably.

I haven’t ridden the train North, but it does stop in both Portland and my favorite place Freeport, Maine. I think I will plan  a day when I travel North for the day. I have never gone further than Boston southbound, since I have lived in this home. I have taken the train from Boston to NYC, many times before.

My one window in this room to the world, is filled with richness of trees and overgrown green lush brush, and the train tracks, I believe I could follow them forever. I am so grateful for my window, and as the sun is coming out, I see the lushness of the forestry, and hidden amongst it a bit away, the magical train tracks to anywhere, where you can be anyone for a day, week or year.
