Rainbow Nation Invites YOU to Participate in the Million Women March in Washington DC-Join Rainbow Nation

Rainbow Nation

Announces plans to join million women march in Washington DC on Saturday January 21st, 2017 at the Lincoln Memorial at 10am. We encourage all women to attend the history making, statement to President elect Trump.

This will be one of your first opportunities to have your voice heard and meet women from all across the country with concerns like ours and it gives us a chance to align to fight for transgender equality and anti-discrimination rights and equality rights for all minorities.

Transportation for people on the East Coast is probably best by train. We already have members going and urge you to join us.

Some of us will be at the #NOTMYPRESIDENT protest on inauguration day if you are also interested in that.

We are contacting Senator Elizabeth Warren and Senator Bernie Sanders about these important events that need your participation to send Trump a clear and loud message from all those women and minorities he plans to wipe away. We are not going anywhere and peacefully will protest until we are heard.

If you haven’t already joined Rainbow Nation lots of your friends and members of the transgender community and community at large have and we encourage you regardless of your positon we are fighting to protect all minorities and especially the Transgender community.

Your Friends,

Corey Britton and Michelle Candela and the entire Rainbow Nation.

