Am I a Grown Up-Hell No Not Now Not Ever

I think there is a lot of room for different interpretations, but when it comes to me and the question gets asked are you a grown up? Huh? What could you possibly mean?  I spend my life being as silly as I can be, while achieving a high rate of success either in the business world or in academia. I lived through a brutal childhood, suffice it to say I wasn’t able to be a kid. So when my old man left, it was time for Corey to play.  I have been playing, going on forty years this October.

Sure I have done lots of grown up stuff, but I am never a true grown up. I never fit in, except when there is a crowd, of people who like my NYC edge and style which never by the way gets old. Its one of the first things you need to learn.  Yes I was married to a beautiful wife, and we have a beautiful daughter. Yes, I am divorced but in mad love again, and yes, I have been a parent since my daughter was born.  I think she would tell you, well that I am a bit different.

I raised my daughter with very few rules, manners were important, so was how she behaved, and did her homeschooling lessons.  Something that a lot of people don’t know about me, was that I home schooled my daughter through third grade when we got divorced.  Homeschooling was the best, we constantly packed our bags, got on planes and went to visit relatives, and just did home school wherever we were.  It was like a big vacation, but one where you get things accomplished.  My daughter is similar to me. She is extremely bright, but is a bit immature with her peers, not however with adults.  She has had some fascinating conversations we have been told, by others who have talked to my daughter. She just turned thirteen, and has a stance on almost everything.  She is an activist by nature, and fights for equality in all that she involves herself in.

I am just a maniac, I don’t sleep for more than a few hours, and then I am up, and my mind must be stimulated or my body in motion, or I really become a disaster.  My daughter is showing signs of this, with her crazy schedule.  She never ever wants to go to sleep, why sleep when there is so much else you can do? So yes I am 39, I am in school to work on my PhD. Hopefully that will go as planned, but after the flip flop incident I am taking nothing for granted. I do own an alarm clock, but I never ever set it. If I have an early flight, I would rather stay up then get some sleep, because I refuse to wake up to an alarm. I went to college got a BS in economics worked on the Street until my daughter was born. I own a forex LLC, but other than that it is my time to do as I want.  See money buys you lots of things, but most importantly it buys you freedom at times.

I don’t answer to anyone, except my ex-wife, my daughter, my girl-friend, and my friends and family. I don’t answer to any douche bags, or wife beaters, or thugs. I run under the radar because I am afraid of the cops.  I drive a Camaro SS with a chipped engine and all the toys.  I don’t have great health with the anorexia, but I am working on that and it will be okay.  Surely shaved years off my time, so now more than ever I will run with bulls, even though it is illegal.  Being an adult doesn’t mean just paying bills, going to job for 40 years, and being unhappily married.  I am a true kid and I pay all my bills, and I am filled with responsibility, however it doesn’t weigh me down, I accept it, I love life, I am so glad I am not still that little child.  Whenever I take things too seriously I focus on that child who was me, who said, if I make it through this, I will be a kid, and eat ice cream for breakfast.  What do you think I just ate for breakfast?

I am not a grown up and no one will ever let me, because I am filled wit fun and good vibes and wishes for everyone. I am getting ready to buy a house on the beach. It is a dream come true, although I have already owned two, this will be my last one for sure.  Right now I have this crazy tri-level house that has too many stairs to count….but it is so open and airy I don’t mind the hike of the stairs.  I don’t mind anything at all, except for rude, obnoxious know-it-alls, those people need a near death experience to make them appreciate life.  So what are you going to do with your life? Get caught up in all the rat races, or take yourself out for an ice-cream with your best friend your dog?
