Sunday With Bella and Beloved Adrianna..

100 proofToday I saw my daughter, just back from her trip to Europe.  She travelled to Prague, Vienna, and Budapest.  As most of you know while they were away, our beloved pug Jack took ill and passed away.  It is so sad for both Bella and my ex-wife.  The remains of Jack, and all his things remain at my house because they are both too sad to cope.  He was 16 years old. We got him at 6 weeks before we got married, he has been in Bella’s life since the day we brought her home.

I was so tickled at Bella at lunch this afternoon.  She was messing around on her phone trying to get something just right,. She is fully aware of my Facebook pages, with just under 3000 friends in the transgendered community.  Bella asked my wife not too long ago, “Is Mommy transgendered?”  My wife said no.  My wife went on to explain to Bella although I was gay, I was different than most other gay people in certain ways.  No Bella doesn’t know I am intersexed, but she very intuitive and doesn’t miss a beat.

“Mommy I got it I have something for you to see.”  She had queued up the video of Caitlyn Jenner using the ladies’ restroom, in Trump Towers.  She was beside herself with excitement because I hadn’t seen it yet, although from her behavior she had watched many times  over and over.  She handed me her IPHONE and  she hit the start, we both laughed and loved it; it was Caitlyn at her best!

I adore my daughter for so many reasons, but her taking to my transgendered friends truly does warm my heart.  This week in fact she knew all the details; how I met my soulmate Adrianna in person for the very first time..  We had made a fierce inexplicitly bond, and both living in New Hampshire we were both so excited to meet.  I told my ex-wife and Bella as well, that Adrianna was great and we had the best day.  In all honesty it was a moment of firsts. I have never met another person from Facebook and never met a transgendered woman to boot.  I was  blown away by Adrianna’s persona; she both beautiful and gorgeous on the inside and out. 

It was a big day for Adrianna as she never before, came completely as herself without anything to hide. She is shear majik I adore for sure, she loves me, and thinks I am one of a kind.  The first question I asked her was did I live up to my pictures.  Without  a doubt she said you look ever better in person.  We took my little pug, Julia Bleu, just diagnosed with cancer, I didn’t want her left alone for the day.  We travelled through NH and up to Maine.  Adrianne used the ladies room without ever any trouble.

We went to the beach where we took lots of pictures, I just remember so clearly the pure smile on Adrianna’s face.  We made our way back to New Hampshire, stopping  at Great Bay for a seafood lunch.  We both grabbed  our phones and jumped on Facebook right away. Proudly posting  tagged with…and pictures posted as fast as we could.  Lunch  was great, but I hardly ate a thing. Marveling in the day that seemed so surreal. Who meets a person on Facebook nonetheless, and hits it  off so fast and furious?

We ended the day back at my place for a couple hours.  Reveling in the day that was completely ours.  We talk everyday in the morning and then at least once again, it is remarkable that social media could bring such a friend.

Well I have a day and a little bit more, before I am back in the hospital for my second leg surgery.  I decided to say fuck it , it doesn’t matter what the surgeon says, I will run a road race with Bella just as soon as I can.  So all is settling it is so good to have my family back.  Waiting on Wednesday for my leg surgery to arrive.  Then praying against everything for Julia Bleu’s results….I pray with my whole heart the tumor is a stage 1 or stage  2.  She’s a fighter , and she has changed so fast in Jack’s passing.  I really pray to God that this isn’t a  big deal. 

Well I did it I wrote during  my new writing hours.  I named them yesterday Corey’s Chronicles to be official. It’s a huge step for me to now write twice a day, I look forward to summer school and the courses ahead.  Time to go, finish this post, and do what I do; call Adrianna and laugh and talk some more.  It was a better day than I originally intended, although poor beloved Jack needs to be tended to  at last  I cant just keep him here, like nothing has changed.  I think that is what they are hoping for a little while.

I am excited for tonight and the maniac’s hours, to go to the store and hopefully see my friend Eugene.  What a lesson I  learned about myself today.  I hope everyone read both blogs and saw my big mistake…….
